About Us

Tyler Vanice is the founder of Fraternal Designs. He is a member of Lodge of the Nine Muses No. 1776, F.A.& A.M., District of Columbia, a Traditional Observance lodge, which is a lodge that incorporates high dues, festive boards, a strict dress code and high standards of ritual. Being surrounded by Masonic scholars and monthly lectures given by members of the lodge, he found that he had the desire to always search for new literature to fill his shelves. This brought his love for the Craft and passion together and he opened Fraternal Designs in 2018.

Did you just publish a book? We are always searching for more books to add to our collection. Please use the Contact Us page and we will be respond shortly thereafter and we'll be happy to work with you. 

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Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
Saturday, 11am - 9pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

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Saville Row, London, W1S 3PS

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